Sneak Preview! Your February 2021 Issue

By Storyworks 3 Editors
January 5, 2020

2021 has arrived, which means that your February 2021 issue of Storyworks 3 is coming soon! Check out this sneak preview to get a head start on your February planning, including ways to use the issue to celebrate Black History Month and Presidents' Day. And next Monday, January 11, this amazing issue and its resources will be live online!

"Frozen Dreams" by Lauren Tarshis

For decades, history ignored the achievements of explorer Matthew Henson, who helped discover the North Pole. As a Black American, Henson faced racism and discrimination. Despite his intelligence, skills, and hard work, Henson was long denied the opportunities and recognition he deserved. Henson's journey will enthrall your students and provide you with a meaningful story with which to celebrate and teach Black History Month.

Featured Skill: Main Idea

Fascinating Facts About Presidents

This month's Grammar feature honors the Presidents' Day holiday by including fascinating facts about America's past Commanders-In-Chief. Students will practice using apostrophes correctly and also learn about the White House, presidential pets, and more!  

Featured Skill: Apostrophes

"A Message From Space" by Christina Diaz Gonzalez and The Elephants and the Mice by Spencer Kayden

This issue is packed with stories that teach social-emotional learning skills. Two of our favorites are "A Message From Space" and The Elephants and the Mice. With heartwarming messages and dynamic characters, these stories will teach your students important lessons they won't soon forget about appreciating what makes each of us special and treating others with kindness.

Featured Skills: How a Character Changes and Theme

Check out our Issue at a Glance Grid to get an overview of all the incredible digital resources that come with your issue. Click the image above to view the grid for the February 2021 issue.

What are you most excited to teach from our February issue? Let us know at [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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